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2023 Updates in the Works

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The website has been neglected for far too long and I will be updating it in the upcoming weeks and months. I appreciate your patience while this one man band gets things back up and running. Thank you to everyone … Read More

2017 Festival Dates

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We’re kicking off this year by rolling with the good folks as part of the Motoblot! Roadshow. Roadshow events include: GARAGE BREWED MOTO SHOW Jan 28, 2017 Cincinnati, Ohio                 PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL … Read More

2016 Festival Dates

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This year has been a busy one for Archetype! It’s not easy being a small, American business and I’m grateful for all of your support and happy to announce that I will be participating in these great Chicago Festivals in … Read More

The Making of a Dragon

posted in: How To's, Seats, Tooling 0

I’ve had several folks ask the process of hand tooling. Here’s a look at  what goes into one of my custom hand tooled leather motorcycle seats. It’s a lengthy process and the reason why most “affordable” commercially made seats are … Read More